Sylvia Day Dream Casting: Ireland Vidal

9:33:00 AM

Yesterday Ms. Day asked who you would choose for 17 year old Ireland Vidal.

Ireland Vidal Description:
17 years old. Waist-length black hair, Blue eyes, skintone like Gideon's (tan skin).

Lucy Hale vs. Elizabeth Gillies

First off let's see the pros and cons for each actress along with some stats.


-She has the skin color
- She can pull off being 17, because of her young face

- She is 26 years old.
- She is 5'2 (1.57m)
- She has brown eyes

-She is 21 years old
- She is 5'7
- She has blue eyes

- Her skin is a bit too pale
- Her eyes are blue-green, but blue nonetheless

In conclusion, there is a wide range of choices for Ireland Vidal and I am curious to see who would be chosen next for dream casting choices. 

Personally, there are better choices, but Elizabeth Gillies has been on my Ireland Vidal list for quite a while now (which I should share with you guys soon) , so it was nice to see that I got her right. 

Of these 2 actresses, who would you choose? Let me know! 

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