I Met Sylvia Day!

8:58:00 PM

I had the pleasure of meeting Sylvia Day and other amazing authors at the Authors By The Beach event this weekend. It was EVERYTHING and more. I waited in line for a while, but I didn't mind since of course, IT'S SYLVIA DAY! So when it was my turn, I approached pretty shyly. I am naturally a shy person so seeing her made me nervous and shy more so than usual. I had 3 books that I wanted her to sign, so I sat there while she signed the first  and second one for my reading buddy and friend, Priyanka (Hey Girl!) The last one was for my giveaway, she didn't know that, but I had her put in my instagram handle @crossfireseriesx in there and I asked her, do you know who I am? And she said she did! She said she really liked my videos,( which I then felt a bit embarrassed by, since HELLO! they're all somewhat sexual and what not haha), and then I told her that I was embarrassed and she said that I shouldn't be and that I was really good. IT WAS AMAZING! And then i got my picture taken and went to hunt down more authors and continue my blissful day (Lesley Jones and J.L Drake were there too and it was great!). It was so surreal.

So  after trying to take in what had just happened, I forgot to ask her about the TV show. I didn't ask her about One With You, just because I know how tiring it must be to get asked that question so much and answer the same thing over and over, especially because she gets bombarded with it every single post on social media. So I opted in not asking her. But I really did wanted to ask her about the TV show which I totally forgot about :( BUT thank you to a follower who was there on Saturday, she asked her what was up with the Tv show and Sylvia said that they were looking for a writer for the show since Sylvia is busy writing other books. Which ALSO, Sylvia met up with Stephanie Johnson and 2 others from Lionsgate Saturday night, to talk about Crossfire TV, so that is also really exciting.

Some pictures below:

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