
What's Next For Me, After One With You?

9:50:00 AM

I loooove that I have had a chance to create these fan pages and interact with so many of you and meet these incredible friends because of it. I don't think I will be going anywhere. I mean, this for me, is a hobby. I don't and have never been paid for anything I write or make. I do this because it's fun and entertaining.
 I might change the direction of where this blog is going which is a great place to write about other books or maybe tv series or keep up with my ideas for Crossfire Series dream cast. Everything will always come back to the series. Since that is what started it all. I don't think I will change any of the names of anything even though that might change later on, but I like that this is how you guys know me. I hope you guys stick around on this awesome new journey. 

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