My Honest Review of One With You
4:35:00 PM
Honestly this was overdue.
I should have written this the second I finished the book..but I guess I had too much feelings to process. This is my completely honest and unbiased review. Read on;
So if you guys have been following me since my Instagram's inception, you guys know how excited I was for anything related to the series, especially One With You. When the book finally had a date, I was ecstatic. A bit bummed since it was over a year after Captivated by You was released, but nothing mattered anymore. I was ready

Sidenote: I am adding gifs to make this a bit more fun.
April 5th finally rolled around and it hit my phone and I. WAS. READY. Mentally, physically and everything. That Tuesday was miiine. I expected to finish asap, but for some reasons, I kept being interrupted. Somehow reading on my phone didn't let people know that I was reading and unavailable; luckily I received my paperback version two days later and that clearly meant do not disturb, because I finished so quick. Which btw, you guys know how thick that book was.
So yeah, I didn't want to finish fast, just because I wanted to savor every little detail and enjoy every scene; but I had a duty to my followers to know the book inside and out and give my thoughts. I decided to refrain from giving out any spoilers because I know many countries weren't going to be able to get the book in weeks or months. As you guys have probably noticed...I haven't really posted much. Here is my review, which will probably give you a little insight of me being away.
*There will be spoilers;
Proceed with caution*
Proceed with caution*
So if you guys have been following me since my Instagram's inception, you guys know how excited I was for anything related to the series, especially One With You. When the book finally had a date, I was ecstatic. A bit bummed since it was over a year after Captivated by You was released, but nothing mattered anymore. I was ready
Sidenote: I am adding gifs to make this a bit more fun.
April 5th finally rolled around and it hit my phone and I. WAS. READY. Mentally, physically and everything. That Tuesday was miiine. I expected to finish asap, but for some reasons, I kept being interrupted. Somehow reading on my phone didn't let people know that I was reading and unavailable; luckily I received my paperback version two days later and that clearly meant do not disturb, because I finished so quick. Which btw, you guys know how thick that book was.
So yeah, I didn't want to finish fast, just because I wanted to savor every little detail and enjoy every scene; but I had a duty to my followers to know the book inside and out and give my thoughts. I decided to refrain from giving out any spoilers because I know many countries weren't going to be able to get the book in weeks or months. As you guys have probably noticed...I haven't really posted much. Here is my review, which will probably give you a little insight of me being away.
I wanted to love this book so fucking much. Like honestly, in my mind I'm thinking, what more could happen to these guys that would make me upset? Nothing could possibly happen to interrupt them on their path to the ever so longing Happily Ever After. I was fucking wrong. Like definitely applaud for that massive plot twist. Who was expecting that? Not I. But what lead to that plot twist just seemed so messy. So unnecessary. I felt that some characters and scenes were unnecessary. The Landon dude and his wife? unnecessary. Just because I can't get my jumbled mind to place everything in order, I'll ramble about everything
- THE LOOSE ENDS! Cary, Trey, Tatiana Triangle.
Brett. Where the hell did he go? No cameo? He had just met Eva "days(ish? I cant remember)" ago in CBY. I thought he would try at least one more time to meet with Eva since in CBY he seemed like he had something really important to say to her before she left running.
Monica. her whole storyline in this book came OUT. OF. NOWHERE. I mean, she didn't even get to enjoy the damn wedding she planned so hard or see Eva get married. Poor Stanton, by the way. And Victor too. Also, how awkward is it to be your daughters bodyguard? Idk, I understand that after everything that happened with Monica, he would want to have Eva safe, but it was weird.
Corinne. Did she ever continue with the book or not? Not that it really mattered anymore, but it would have been nice to see.
Elizabeth who just is a definite bitch and doesn't even send condolences after Monica or accept that she was at fault for some of the Gideon rape stuff.
The STALKER: definitely wasn't expecting that either.
Also small mistake that i picked up on was The SDSU/UCSD school thing. In Bared to You, Sylvia said Eva went to SDSU and in OWY she said UCSD...very different schools...
Things that I did like were that Eva was such a fucking badass. She just woke up after that meet up with Gideon in CBY so fucking determined. Definitely making Manhattan hers. Confronting Anne Lucas was pretty awesome, which btw, I was expecting some jail time for that B or something that assured us that she along with her husband could never harm GidEva again. Maybe I just really wanted this book to give that Happily Ever After vibe and be done and closed with. I feel that it was a cliffhanger and I didn't expect that from a FINAL book. Especially the epilogue.
Rambling on about whatever thoughts come in my head...
LUCKY WAS EVERYTHING! I loved Lucky and how in a way helped Gideon start coping with his nightmares. Kind of gave me hope that one day Gideon would be okay with a child of their own. You know, like in 10 years.
Okay, so overall, this is still one of my most favorite series ever. Sylvia's writing is amazing. But for some reason, this book was my least favorite. Probably because I had over a year worth of high expectations and imagined scenarios in my head. But I do like that Gideon and Eva were pretty much stronger as a couple just trying to eliminate their foes and trying to rebuild their life after everything that happened to them in just 3 or so short months.
I honestly don't want to discourage anyone from reading the book or having my opinion reflect on if or not they will read it. I am suuuuuch a big fan of the series and of Sylvia's amazing writing as you guys know and I might even get backlash for this, but I just wanted somewhere to be able to write my thoughts about it. I am a regular reader before anything. And I will continue on loving this series when the Tv Show comes out and when Ireland's book comes out. I am so invested in these characters lives, that I feel like I have gone on the rollercoaster of their life with them. I cried so hard when Monica....I think even more than Eva, so I am definitely still a very big fan; just not the biggest fan of the ending. And like I said, before anything, I am a reader. I love to read. And I feel like I am entitled to my own opinion and I don't want to be biased about the book just because I am a fan. I have always been honest with you guys. And I hope you guys will and can still follow me so we can continue on with this journey of these lovely characters onto the next stage of their fictional lives which will be on television. And I have nothing but love and respect for Sylvia, and I will always have that. She is an amazing writer.
#guysdontkillmeforthis 🙈